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Applying For Medicare

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An important process of getting Medicare coverage is to apply for Medicare. Here’s how you can do that…

Signing Up for Medicare Part A & Part B

Once you become eligible for Medicare, which is typically during the three months before your 65th birthday, you’ll have two options:

The first option will be to only apply for and sign up for Medicare benefits only.

The second option would be to apply for Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits. Once you are approved to receive those benefits, you can be automatically enrolled in Part A, and then you can choose to add on Part B.

After you have applied, signed up, and are approved to receive benefits, you’ll receive a welcome package and your Medicare card in the mail.

Once you are enrolled in both Part A and B, you can add on other Medicare plans such as Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplements. If you’re enrolled in Part A and/or Part B, you can also add on a Part D prescription drug plan.

How Do I Sign Up?

Once you are ready to do one of the two options listed above, you can apply online on the Social Security website (https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/medicare). This is typically the fastest way to apply, but if you would prefer to not apply online, you have the option of calling or visiting your local Social Security office.

Note: If you worked for the railroad, you will need to contact the Railroad Retirement Board.

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Finding the perfect Medicare Plan has never been easier. Here at Signature Medicare Solutions, we are on YOUR side when it comes to Medicare. Our dedicated team of professional experts are standing by!

Signature Medicare Solutions helps Medicare beneficiaries enroll in Medicare Advantage plans. Not all plans offer all of these benefits. Benefits may vary by carrier and location. Limitations and exclusions may apply. Signature Medicare Solutions all rights reserved. Signature Medicare Solutions is not affiliated with or endorsed by any government entity. This is an advertisement for insurance. Not all carriers offer these benefits. Plans vary by region and state. Limitations and exclusions may apply. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent multiple organizations which may offer several products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options. Plans are insured by a Medicare Advantage (HMO, PPO and PFFS) organization with a Medicare contract and/or a Medicare-approved Part D sponsor. Enrollment in a plan may be limited to certain times of the year unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period or you are in your Medicare Initial Enrollment Period. Enrollment depends on plan’s contract renewal with Medicare.